We have been selling Cordex’s NETEXX brand net wrap for years. The Cordex company’s Net Wrap line is ISO Certified, guaranteeing the cost effectiveness and quality of their product each and every time. Their side to side technology offers farmers and contractors complete bale coverage and can be used in all makes and models of round baling machines. They have a minimum length guarantee, easy reloading abilities, reusable handles, UV protection, and premium polyethylene. The fibers inside of the net wrap are designed so that they can loosen and lay out over your product.
While the regular Netexx net wrap is premium quality, you may need a little extra reinforcement to do the trick depending on what you are trying to bale. This is why Cordex has also produced an XTreme line of Net Wrap which as a double reinforced center. This type of Net Wrap is great for making round bales since all of the energy of the bale is centered right in the middle. Just like the regular Netexx, the Xtreme has side to side coverage, reusable handles, UV protection, and premium polyethylene. Its produced in the same sizes as the Netexx.